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My brother’s first Malhoune poem !

Exciting !!!!!! Mohammed Elouedghiri Idrissi’s first Malhoune poem has been broadcasted live in Malhoun emission of national radiostation on december 11th 2008 Enjoy !

Morocco :: My Country

General Information about Morocco : Capital:Rabat Total Area: 710,850 km² (274,461 sq.mi.) Population: 30,001,787 (July 1996 est.; CIA) Yearly Growth: 2.05% (1996 est.; CIA) Languages: Arabic (official), Berber dialects, French often the language of business, government, and diplomacy Gross Domestic Product: US$ 87.4 billion (Purchasing Power Parity) (1995 est.; CIA) GDP per capital: $3,000 (1995 est.; CIA) Type of Government:.. Read more

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